The wind was shaking the apartment a while ago. The thunder has stopped for the most part now. Best night Minami-yono's had to offer in a while. I should've gone out for a bit to liven up.
I'm sick of these pictures. They all disappoint me in their little ways. I'm going to take a break from it and learn to love drawing again.
I feel better having weights around. Like my guitar. A decoration I really don't know how to use. So, I went to Roger's and looked around. I choose the lightest set, luckily, as I had to take a break ever 100 meters or so going home.
I rewarded my commitment to physical fitness by getting some snacks and a few beer from Family Mart. The check out lady cracked up when I paid entirely in coins. Not sure why really.
Had the strangest bowling of my life Friday night. After more than a few drinks, I started with a 146. Too near my highscore of 159. Next game, a drink later, 175. The only way to follow that was, of course, a few more drinks and a 179.